Wednesday, October 30, 2019

MC-revise work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

MC-revise work - Essay Example Now marketing is quite a broad area, which embraces various aspects like price, place, promotion and product. These four aspects form a marketing mix of a firm. As far as the issue of marketing communications is concerned, it actually refers to the area of ‘promotion’ in a marketing mix. In most of the business organizations, marketing communication strategies are found to be in integrated form in the sense that it combines several aspects together. Just like has the broad area of marketing itself, marketing communication also has a mix. Under a marketing communications mix, different elements of communications are incorporated in different quantities to form a campaign. A marketing communications mix comprises of elements like sales promotion, publicity, advertising, direct marketing, e-marketing, branding, and sponsorships and so on. All these elements are generally referred to as marketing communications tools. With time, marketing communications is getting more interrelated, and hence it would be quite interesting to conduct a comprehensive study of different marketing communications strategy applied by the firms in today’s internationalized world where intensity of competition has increased significantly and hence to survive in the market excellent communication strategies are needed to be undertaken. This paper attempts to conduct a case study of a well known firm in the international fashion world, Zara, to analyze its current communication marketing strategies and to provide a marketing communications plan that would help the firm in enhancing its promotional capabilities and help attracting more customers to its stores across the world. However, before moving into the case study analysis, it would be beneficial to provide a brief discussion on different communication theories and various marketing communications tools to enhance the understanding of this marketing issue. The term ‘communication’ refers to exchange of information. An

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Psychological World of the Artist Essay Example for Free

The Psychological World of the Artist Essay â€Å"Analyse the psychological world of the artist in relation to their artwork.† An artist’s psychological world can have a significant impact on their artwork, as is the case with many of the artworks done by artists such as Artemisia Gentileschi, Frida Kahlo and Andy Warhol. Artemisia Gentileschi’s psychological world was greatly affected by her experiences as a female living in the seventeenth century where she would have faced discrimination and sexual harassment because of her gender, in particular the incident in which she was raped by her drawing teacher, Agostino Tassi, which was made considerably more traumatic by the fact that it was she, the victim, who was made to undergo torture to see if her story remained the same. Many of her artworks are depictions of scenes from the Bible or mythology, a common theme for artists of that time. However, Gentileschi’s depictions of these scenes are slightly different to those of her male counterparts as she does not depict the women as passive ‘objects.’ This can be seen in the artwork ‘Judith beheading Holofernes’ which features a Judith who is sawing at Holofernes’ head quite savagely and is not meant to be conventionally attractive. This painting of a strong, brave woman triumphing over a man rather than the other way around, as was the norm for that time could be interpreted as what Gentileschi wished would happen to Tassi after he raped her, and it contrasts with depictions of this scene by male artists like Caravaggio, who depicts his Judith as being pretty and delicate-looking, with a horrified expression as she watches the blood spurt from Holofernes’ neck, as well as a blouse that was semi-transparent, showing a more traditional depiction of a woman whose main purpose in the artwork is to be gazed upon by men. Gentileschi’s psychological world is likely to have contained frustration at the objectification of women of her time, and her desire The psychological world of Frida Kahlo that is represented in her artwork was influenced by a bus accident she was in when she was young in which she sustained serious lifelong injuries, and many of the events that occurred later in her life, such as her tumultuous marriage to the unfaithful painter Diego Rivera, and her miscarriage. In many of her artworks, she depicts herself as scarred, or bleeding, symbolising both her physical and psychological pain. In her painting ‘Henry Ford Hospital’, Kahlo paints herself naked and bleeding on a bed, emphasising her psychological state after her miscarriage- she would have been feeling vulnerable and in a lot of pain, both emotionally and physically. Her artworks can be seen as a search for her identity, in the context of her culture, religion and life experiences, as many of them are self-portraits that feature her dressed in traditional Mexican clothes with colourful ribbons in her hair, and a lot of symbolism. An example of this is her artwork ‘Self portrait with thorn necklace and hummingbird’, where she again depicts herself as bleeding because of the necklace of thorns she is wearing, which could be seen as a Catholic symbol reminiscent of Christ’s crown of thorns as she came from a Catholic family, or maybe a reference to Aztec religious rituals involving self-mortification with thorns. She also has a monkey on one shoulder (a recurring symbol in eight of her self-portraits) which appears to be a pet or comforting presence because it is playing with the necklace. The black cat on her other shoulder is a more ominous, threatening presence as it looks as though it is about to pounce and its eyes are a cold, uninviting grey. The juxtaposition of colour, and playful images with symbols of doom or death, and a bleeding body is a common theme in many of Kahlo’s works and has been interpreted as Surrealism; however Kahlo denied this, saying â€Å"I paint my own reality.† Andy Warhol’s childhood played an important part in the formation of his psychological world and personality that led to him becoming a central figure in the Pop Art movement that took place in America in the 1960s. As a child, Warhol was diagnosed with St Vitus’ dance, which caused him to spend a lot of time bed-ridden with nothing to do but draw, listen to the radio and collect pictures of celebrities from magazines to stick around his bed. This constant exposure to popular culture would have been extremely influential in the development of Warhol’s later work, in which he depicted easily recognisable images in American culture, including celebrities like Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley, and everyday items like Campbell’s soup. In his artwork ‘100 Campbell’s Soup Cans’, he explores the idea of mass production that was becoming such an important part of American culture, but says that he chose Campbell’s soup because that was what he had for lunch for most of his life. Warhol’s psychological world which was influenced by his childhood was depicted quite literally in his artworks- images of celebrities and mass-produced products like Campbell’s soup played a larger-than-normal role in his childhood in particular. Warhol clearly had a great deal and admiration and affection for these things, even going so far as to say â€Å"I want to be plastic.† Though all of these artworks were done in styles that were gaining popularity in the time that the artist was working, it was the artist’s psychological world that ultimately motivated them to create most of their artworks.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Do Credit Problems Lead to Bankruptcy Essay -- essays papers

Do Credit Problems Lead to Bankruptcy The reasons we as Americans buy on credit varies, but without it most of us would probably never be able to purchase necessities such as a home or automobile. The nation's economy depends on credit; the promise to pay later for goods and services used today. But along with consumer credit comes consumer debt. With the rise in telemarketing and commercializing in America it is no wonder why Americans feel the impulse to buy now, pay later. The most common form of consumer debt is installment debt, which is when a consumer borrows the money to purchase an item and agrees to repay the loan in equal installments over a fixed period of time. Without installment debt most consumers could not afford to purchase items such as a home. The truth of the matter is that we, as Americans, tend to want to purchase more than we can afford to purchase when we want it. But, we can afford to pay it out, over time, in fixed payments. Mortgages, a debt owed on real property, are the latest form of installment debt. Other forms include automobile loans and credit card purchases. Just pick up the newspaper any time after Christmas and you will find articles on managing your mounting debt from Christmas. Not realizing the extent of the consumers' debt is one of the most common types of credit problems. Denial may play a partial role in this problem, but the lack of education seems to be the largest reason for consumer debt. Cre...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Leadership transformation

The authors determined that team values are an influencing factor, which has an effect on the team member's response o the transformational leader, and in turn to the team's performance. Research question(s) (Article 1) What questions(s) does the author present? Hypothesis 1. â€Å"Mediated moderation exists when the Interaction between two variables (diversity and transformational leadership) affects a mediator, which then affects a dependent variable† (Morgan-Lopez & MacKinnon, 2006). Hypothesis 2.Task-relevant information has an effect on the relationship between leader and follower performance with regards to the team's educational diversity, age, and nationality. Hypotnesls 3. How tne team views Olverslty 0T Tellow team memoers ana leader as a â€Å"collective† team in regards to performing as a team. Research Question(s) (Article 2) How does the subordinate's performance have anything to do with the leader's values and behaviors? Do transformational leaders enhanc e team performance?The â€Å"transformational leader inspires others to go beyond self-interest, impressions, and limitations in order to motivate followers to become more effective in reaching common goals† (Bass, Avolio, Jung, ; Berson, 2003). The authors focus on team alues, and the effect that those values have on the performance of the team by comparing and contrasting results from results of study done on team members in the United States and Hong Kong. Literature Review —How is this organized? What are the main themes found in the review? Who are the main authors used?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rebuilding Employee Morale Essay

Layoffs and work-force reductions have a big impact on both those who lose their jobs and those who remain. Employees who remain after a work-force reduction may be affected for weeks or months afterwards. They may feel overwhelmed, have a hard time focusing on work, or experience low morale. This may be a stressful time for you as well. As a manager you not only have to make the transitions yourself, but you’re also counted on to help steer your team through the changes. As a manager, it’s important to be aware of what employees are feeling and to offer support in ways that can help your team get through this difficult and challenging period. And it’s important to recognize how the changes affect you as well. Common feelings employees may have Several employees, or hundreds of employees, may have lost their jobs at your company. Whatever the size of the work-force reduction, it’s likely that many well-liked people who were doing good work will be leaving the company and that the employees who remain are sad and are grieving for co-workers who were let go. The remaining employees may also be fearful about the security of their own jobs or how their roles might change. Employees may experience some or all of the following emotions, all of which can affect productivity, commitment, and morale: †¢ Sadness. †¢ Anger. †¢ Guilt. †¢ Fear and anxiety. Many may wonder, â€Å"Am I the next to go?† †¢ Envy of those who are leaving. Employees may feel that those who were laid off are moving on to new opportunities while they are â€Å"stuck at the same old job.† †¢ Apathy. They may find it hard to concentrate or get back to work. †¢ Loss of trust in the organization. Employees may lose trust in upper management’s messages and mission and may not feel that the company cares. †¢ Overwhelmed. People may feel overloaded and worried about how their workload will change. 57114-1008 2 Rebuilding Employee Morale Following a Layoff Helping employees cope A layoff or downsizing is a business decision. But before employees who remain can move on and begin working productively again, it’s important to deal with the emotional side of the job cuts and their impact on people’s lives. †¢ Hold an initial meeting with employees staying on your team on the day of the downsizing announcement. Have an open and honest discussion with them about the job cuts and why they took place and how they will help keep your organization moving forward. Employees need to know why the cuts happened and what the organization is doing to avoid more job cuts. Talk about the layoffs in terms of job functions and the business. Do not discuss specifics or specific individuals. Expect this to be a time of deep emotion, confusion, and anxiety for your employees. †¢ Hold a â€Å"jump-start† meeting. A work-force reduction can change the way your team functions. In the days following the announcement, plan and hold a jumpstart meeting to get people focused on what matters. At the meeting: – Review the organization’s goals, strategy, and new direction. Enlist your team’s support in finding ways to meet those goals. – Clarify the reasons for the change. Identify and describe ways that individual employees may have to shift their attention. – Explain fully the expected results of the team’s efforts, linking those results to the overall business goals of the organization. – Identify those things the team and individuals are already doing well that support the new direction or business strategy. Highlight what may change. – Discuss needs and develop concrete action plans for short- and long-term periods. – Provide training if employees will be asked to take on new work or functions. †¢ Give employees continued opportunities to talk about their feelings. Encourage them to voice their fears, questions, complaints, and concerns. Hold meetings. You can do this both one-on-one with employees and as a group. Have drop-in sessions. These will be helpful for employees and for you as a manager. Remember that when people are allowed to express their feelings they are better able to adjust and move on. Continue to have these discussions for as long as they seem productive. Watch that employees don’t get stuck or caught up in too much negativity. Use coaching skills to help them accept the change and move on. †¢ Be honest with employees and keep lines of communication open. The more honest and straightforward you are, the more quickly you’ll rebuild trust on your team. During times of major change, information is often incomplete. No manager has all the answers. If an employee asks a question about the reorganization that you are not in a position to answer, don’t be afraid to say, â€Å"I don’t have the answer to 3 Rebuilding Employee Morale Following a Layoff that question.† If possible, commit to finding answers and information within a fixed period of time and â€Å"close the loop† with the employee who asked the question. If relevant, share the information with everyone on the team. Remind employees that in times of flux even some of the updated information will change but that you will keep them as up to date as you can when this happens. †¢ Lead by example. Take a close look at your own attitudes and behavior and how you are responding to the workplace change. Positive, sincere, and communicative managers who demonstrate strong leadership qualities while acknowledging the difficulty and pain of the layoff are typically able to get their staff back on track during times of adversity and challenge. †¢ Offer resources to help employees reduce feelings of stress. Make sure members of your team are aware of the resources available to them to help reduce feelings of stress, including the employee assistance program (EAP) or the program that provided this publication. †¢ Recognize that, initially, employees may be so absorbed with the reorganization that they get less work done than usual. During times of major change, especially in the period right after the change, it’s common for people to look out for themselves. Employees may spend increased amounts of time on personal activities like phone calls and Internet use. By keeping employees actively engaged in constructive job-related tasks with a direct value to the business, anxiety can be kept in check and employees will be more focused on what matters. It’s important to take action to rebuild the team and help employees get back up to speed and move forward. Ways to rebuild trust and morale It can take months for employees to adjust to a major organizational change and to new systems and ways of doing things. It’s important to keep an eye on employee morale during this transitional period. Here are some ways to rebuild trust and morale on your team during this time: †¢ Spend extra time with your team and with individual employees. In times of stress managers can be tempted to spend more time in their offices away from their anxious employees, but this is just the time your employees need you to be more visible and accessible than usual. †¢ Communicate openly and often about company strategies and goals. Share information. Clarify goals. Be honest in your communications. If more change is coming, share as much as you’re able to with employees. It’s critical to check with upperlevel managers on what messages to communicate to employees. Different messages coming from managers across departments will result in mixed messages and rumors. Encourage employees to share any rumors they hear with you and address each one as quickly as you can. 4 Rebuilding Employee Morale Following a Layoff †¢ Talk about changes within the organization and how these may affect the work and your group. Talk about how the work will change as a result of the reorganization. Let everyone know that plans or tasks may change and that this is normal during times of transition. If work expectations for the department or individuals have changed, communicate this as soon as possible. Be clear and concise about new job duties and responsibilities. Remember to give frequent updates. This helps employees deal with feelings of uncertainty and confusion. †¢ Avoid complaining about the organization or telling employees your woes. Managers sometimes do this to reduce feelings of guilt — they want employees to feel that they are suffering, too. But a manager who complains to employees only loses respect and creates more anxiety among employees. Speak with other managers you trust about your feelings and concerns and to get more ideas of what steps you can take to help rebuild your team. Take very good care of yourself during this time as many managers experience additional stress as they guide their teams through challenging times. †¢ Use team-building exercises to renew relationships and commitments to goals. Work on a group or team project together. You might order pizza or bagels when you do. Offer a seminar on dealing with workplace change. Work hard to be sure everyone understands his or her role on the team and how group efforts contribute to the larger business goals. †¢ Be respectful of the people who have been laid off. Avoid comments like â€Å"He wasn’t such a great employee anyway.† Focus on the positive attributes of employees who have left. Express regret and make sure your team knows that you wish them well. This will show those who are staying that the organization treats people with respect and dignity. Your employees will assume that if they were to be laid off, you would talk about them the same way you talk about former em ployees. †¢ Help employees see the opportunities that change can bring. The reorganization may mean that people will have the opportunity to learn new skills or to take on new responsibilities. †¢ Recognize and reward good work and continued commitment. Let employees know that you appreciate everyone pulling together to do their part in meeting the company’s goals. It’s more important than ever at this time to reward employees who are staying — for meeting goals and milestones and for steady, dependable effort. Here are some ways to offer rewards: – through company recognition or incentive programs – by giving public recognition at a meeting – by sending an e-mail to upper management applauding an employee’s efforts and spelling out what those efforts were and how they contributed to the company’s goals – by using bulletin boards to call attention to someone’s good efforts 5 Rebuilding Employee Morale Following a Layoff Keep in mind that it takes time for people to let go of old ways, adapt to new ones, and recommit to the organization. The more proactive you are in helping employees through this transition, the more everyone will be able to adjust, move on, renew their enthusiasm, and confirm their commitment to the company. Written with the help of Elizabeth Bakken, B.A., M.A. Ms. Bakken has a certificate in organizational development and an extensive background in the fields of human resource development and career coaching. She writes a column, CareerWise, on executive career issues for the Rochester Business Journal.  © 2001, 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. 102908

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Living Fossil Plants - Ginkgo, Metasequoia, Wollemia

Living Fossil Plants - Ginkgo, Metasequoia, Wollemia A living fossil  is a species that is known from fossils looking just the way it looks today. Among animals, the most famous living fossil is probably the  coelacanth. Here are three living fossils from the plant kingdom. Afterward, we will point out why living fossil is no longer a good term to use. Ginkgo, Ginkgo biloba Ginkgoes are a very old line of plants, their earliest representatives being found in rocks of Permian age  some 280 million years old. At times in the geologic past, they have been widespread and abundant, and the dinosaurs surely fed upon them. The fossil species Ginkgo adiantoides, indistinguishable from the modern ginkgo, is found in rocks as old as Early Cretaceous (140 to 100 million years ago), which appears to have been the ginkgos heyday. Fossils of ginkgo species are found throughout the northern hemisphere in rocks dating from Jurassic to Miocene times. They disappear from North America by the Pliocene and vanish from Europe by the Pleistocene. The ginkgo tree is well-known today as a street tree and ornamental tree, but for centuries it appears to have been extinct in the wild. Only cultivated trees survived, in Buddhist monasteries in China, until they were planted across Asia starting about a thousand years ago. Ginkgo Photo GalleryGrowing GinkgoesLandscaping with Ginkgoes Dawn Redwood, Metasequoia glyptostroboides The dawn redwood is a conifer that sheds its leaves every year, unlike its cousins the coast redwood and giant sequoia. Fossils of closely related species date from late in the Cretaceous  and occur all over the northern hemisphere. Their most famous locality is probably on Axel Heiberg Island in the Canadian Arctic, where stumps and leaves of Metasequoia sit still unmineralized from the warm Eocene Epoch some 45 million years ago. The fossil species Metasequoia glyptostroboides was first described in 1941. Its fossils were known before that, but they were confused with those of the true redwood genus Sequoia and the swamp cypress genus Taxodium for more than a century. M. glyptostroboides was thought to be long extinct. The latest fossils, from Japan, dated from the early Pleistocene (2 million years ago). But a living specimen in China was found a few years later, and now this critically endangered species is thriving in the horticultural trade. Only about 5000 wild trees remain. Recently, Chinese researchers described a single isolated specimen in Hunan province whose leaf cuticle differs from all other dawn redwoods and exactly resembles the fossil species. They suggest that this tree is truly the living fossil and that the other dawn redwoods have evolved from it by mutation. The science, along with much human detail, is presented by Qin Leng in a recent issue of Arnoldia. Qin also reports vigorous conservation efforts in Chinas Metasequoia Valley. Wollemi Pine, Wollemia nobilis The ancient conifers of the southern hemisphere are in the araucaria plant family, named for the Arauco region of Chile where the monkey-puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana) lives. It has 41 species today (including the Norfolk Island pine, kauri pine and bunya-bunya), all of them scattered among the continental fragments of Gondwana: South America, Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand and New Caledonia. Ancient araucarians forested the globe in Jurassic times. In late 1994, a ranger in Australias Wollemi National Park in the Blue Hills found a strange tree in a small, remote canyon. It was found to match fossil leaves going back 120 million years in Australia. Its pollen grains were an exact match to the fossil pollen species ​Dilwynites, found in Antarctica, Australia, and New Zealand in rocks as old as Jurassic. The Wollemi pine is known in three small groves, and all specimens today are as genetically alike as twins. Hard-core gardeners and plant fanciers are very interested in the Wollemi pine, not just for its rarity but because it has beautiful foliage. Look for it at your local progressive arboretum. Why Living Fossil Is a Poor Term The name living fossil is unfortunate in some ways. The dawn redwood and Wollemi pine present the best case for the term: recent fossils that appear identical, not just similar, to a living representative. And the survivors were so few that we may not have enough genetic information to explore their evolutionary history in depth. But most living fossils dont match that story. The plant group of cycads is an example that used to be in the textbooks (and may still be). The typical cycad in yards and gardens is the sago palm, and it had supposedly been unchanged since Paleozoic time. But today there are about 300 species of cycad, and genetic studies show that most are only a few million years old. Besides genetic evidence, most living fossil species differ in small details from todays species: shell ornamentation, numbers of teeth, configuration of bones and joints. Although the line of organisms had a stable body plan that succeeded in a certain habitat and lifeway, its evolution never stopped. The idea that the species became evolutionarily stuck is the main thing wrong about the notion of living fossils. There is a similar term used by paleontologists for fossil types that disappear from the rock record, sometimes for millions of years, and then appear again: Lazarus taxa, named for the man that Jesus raised from the dead. A Lazarus taxon is not literally the same species, found in rocks millions of years apart. Taxon refers to any level of taxonomy, from the species through the genus and family up to the kingdom. The typical Lazarus taxon is a genus- a group of species- so that matches what we now understand about living fossils.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Developing an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)

Developing an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) Free Online Research Papers Resource management The program being developed is a program for the development of an enterprise resource planning system. This is usually referred in short form as ERP system. This is software which is being used by many companies. Its main purpose is the management and coordination of all of the resources, information as well as the functions of a business from the common pool of data called data warehouse. This system possess service oriented architecture whereby the software and hardware units or rather services modular that communicate in LAN (local area network). This modular design makes it possible for the reconfiguration of the modules at the same time making a preserve of data integrity from a data warehouse. Objectives for the night club planning project The project is aimed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness in the day to day Activities of the organization. As this involves a night club, particularly an adult cabaret, it means the following areas should be improved in order to ensure that it fits theit attains the efficiency and effectiveness in area such as: Financials Here the fixed assets, general ledger, account receivable and payable as well as the cash management system will need to be improved. Project management These are the activities which will be improved: activity management, costing, billing, time and expense as well as performance units. Creating a plan that will be socially and economically acceptable in the City of Youngstown. The recent events have given the club a seriously negative reputation. My job will be to obtain respect of the club through the community, and its officials. Attending hearings in the Capitol City Columbus is also mandatory. Venues The venues will be strategically placed to take advantage of the location in order to be able to serve the customers better while increasing the revenues collected from the club hence the profits. Entertainers and guests alike must enjoy the ambiance of the club while abiding by the laws enforced by the liquor control board, the City of Youngstown, The State of Ohio, as well as local ordinances. Staffing Staffing involves interviewing, recruiting and training the human resource. This with proper management they will become more efficient and will avoid man hours wasted and wastage as the right kind of personnel will be hired and the right training will be offered to them. Auditions will be held in order to choose the right entertainers for the vision of the clubs goals. Background checks will and must be implemented so that a future violation could possibly be avoided. Security will have to be doubled in order to not only enforce the laws and rules, but to ensure the community things will be controlled and monitored at all times. Planning i) Being aware of the goals and the implementation of the new system- which in our case is the improvement of efficiency in the effectiveness in all the departments of the organization. ii) Developing a comprehensive plan as the project cuts involves each and every process in the organization. Inventory Control, labor costs, advertising, and maintenance al need to be taken into serious consideration for the new procedures and policies. iii) Involving of the users of the system. If there is experience which is needed then the in-house manager will be given the education required to train other team members. iv) Adapting a realistic approach as concerns the to the cost estimation. Evaluation i) The package chosen should be a standard one for the industry this is aimed to maintain the interactivity with the customers as they are familiar to the positive sides of the industry. Keeping the guests entertained and spending is the main goal here. ii) Maintenance cost estimation. (NET POS) will have to be implemented in a case such as this. The amount of volume that this club produces, along with the need for organization, POS is a perfect solution. iii) Evaluation of the company processes this is in an attempt of making a rational decision as regards to the feasibility to the adoption of the new processes. The recent events have caused the club to be closed, a working knowledge of all the new laws in effect will be required in order to assess the project goals. After implementation i) Attention will be paid to the workflows ii) Starting with the condensing trainings in our site before signing up for long distance sessions, due to the multiple stake holders of this enterprise. Program cost summary Expense for: Cost (US$) Consultation 2,000 Assessment 5,000 Installation and configuration 10,000 User interface development 3,000 Administrative and legal expenses 500 Miscellaneous 1,000 The above table shows the various processes of implementation. The experimental methods will be used to establish the benefits which can be obtained from the implementation of the project. For scheduling purposes the decision making process allows is capable of giving the project manager a chance to anticipate for change in the schedule as well as the change of the amount of resources being used in the project depending on the change of the general trends in the market. Entertainers being the highlight of the venue will need to be scheduled strategically, to the marketing of the clubs nightly venue. In conclusion the implementation of this project will be able to increase efficiency in the operations of the organization, thus leading to the reduction in the cost of production thus increase in sales. This will lead to competitive advantage over the organizations which have not implemented the system. References Brown, C., and I. Vessey, Managing the Next Wave of Enterprise Systems: Leveraging Lessons from ERP, MIS Quarterly Executive, 2(1), 2003 Esteves, J., and Pastor, J., Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Research: An Annotated Bibliography, Communications of AIS, 7(8) pp. 2-54. Waldner, Jean-Baptiste (1992). CIM: Principles of Computer Manufacturing. Chichester: John Wiley Sons Ltd. pp. p47. ISBN 047193450X. Research Papers on Developing an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)The Project Managment Office SystemOpen Architechture a white paperRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfThe Fifth HorsemanInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesDefinition of Export Quotas

Sunday, October 20, 2019

African American Inventors - Names Beginning with H

African American Inventors - Names Beginning with H Black history inventors are listed alphabetically: Each listing has the name of the black inventor followed by the patent number(s) which is the unique number assigned to an invention when a patent is issued, the date the patent was issued, and a description of the invention as written by the inventor. If available, links are provided to in-depth articles, biographies, illustrations and photos on each individual inventor or patent. How to submit to the database. G Haines to Harper, Harris to Hill, Hilyer to Hyde I James Henry Haines #590,833, 9/28/1897, Portable shampooing basin William Hale #1,563,278, 11/24/1925, Aeroplane#1,672,212, 6/5/1928, Motor vehicle Lloyd Augustus Hall #1,882,834, 10/18/1932, Asphalt emulsion and manufacture thereof#1,914,351, 6/13/1933, Protective coating, Enoch L.Griffith (co-inventor)#2,022,464, 11/26/1935, Vitamin concentrate,#2,097,405, 10/26/1937, Manufacture of bleached pepper products#2,107,697, 2/8/1938, Sterilizing foodstuffs, Carroll L. Griffith (co-inventor)#2,155,045, 4/18/1939, Inhibited detergent composition#2,189,949, 2/13/1940, Sterilizing colloid materials#2,251,334, 8/5/1941, Protein composition of matter#2,321,673, 6/15/1943, Yeast food#2,357,650, 9/5/1944, Puncture sealing composition and manufacture thereof#2,363,730, 11/28/1944, Manufacture of nitrogen-fortified whey concentrate#2,385,412, 9/25/1945, Capsicum-containing seasoning composition#2,414,299, 1/14/1947, Production of protein hydrolysate flavoring material#2,464,200, 3/15/1949, Manufacture of stable dry papain composition#2,464,927, 3/22/1949, Antioxidant#2,477,742, 8/2/1949, Gelatin-base coating for food and the like#2,493,288, 1/3/1950, Synergistic antioxidants and the methods of preparing the same #2,500,543, 3/14/1950, Antioxidant#2,511,802, 6/13/1950, Synergistic antioxidant#2,511,803, 7/13/1950, Antioxidant flakes#2,511,804, 7/13/1950, Antioxidant salt#2,518,233, 8/8/1950, Synergistic antioxidant containing amino acids#2,536,171, 1/2/1951, Production of protein hydrolysate#2,758,931, 8/14/1956, Antioxidant composition#2,770,551, 11/27/1956, Meat-curing salt composition#2,772,169, 11/13/1956, Antioxidant material and use of said material in treating meat#2,845,358, 7/29/1958, Method of preserving fresh frozen pork trimmings Virginia E Hall #4,016,314, 4/5/1977, Embroided fruit bowl wall hanging Julia Terry Hammonds #572,985, 12/15/1896, Apparatus for holding yarn skeins Felix Harding #614,468, 11/22/1898, Extension banquet table Michael C Harney #303,844, 8/19/1884, Lantern or lamp David Harper #D 187,654, 4/12/1960, Mobile utility rack#D 190,500, 6/6/1961, Bookcase Solomon Harper #1,772,002, 8/5/1930, Electrical hair treating implement#2,648,757, 8/11/1953, Thermostatic controlled hair curlers, combs, irons#2,711,095, 6/21/1955, Thermostatic controlled fur and material dressing equipment G Haines to Harper, Harris to Hill, Hilyer to Hyde I Betty W Harris #4,618,452, 10/21/1986, Spot test for 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene, TATB Edward L Harris #2,756,129, 7/24/1956, Apparatus for handling corrosive acid substances Emmett Scott Harrison #3,606,971, 9/21/1971, Gas turbine air compressor and control therefor#4,242,865, 1/6/1981, Turbojet afterburner engine with two-position exhaust nozzle Jesse Harrison #1,844,036, 2/9/1932, Combination tooth brush and paste holder Joycelyn Harrison #7402264, July 22, 2008, Sensing/actuating materials made from carbon nanotube polymer composites and methods for making#7015624, March 21, 2006, Non-uniform thickness electroactive device#6867533, March 15, 2005, Membrane tension control#6724130, April 20, 2004, Membrane position control#6689288, February 10, 2004, Polymeric blends for sensor and actuation dual functionality#6545391, April 8, 2003, Polymer-polymer bilayer actuator#6515077, February 4, 2003, Electrostrictive graft elastomers#6734603, May 11, 2004. Thin layer composite unimorph ferroelectric driver and sensor#6379809, April 30, 2002, Thermally stable, piezoelectric and pyroelectric polymeric substrates and method relating theret#5909905, June 8, 1999, Method of making thermally stable, piezoelectric and proelectric polymeric substrates#5891581, April 6, 1999, Thermally stable, piezoelectric and pyroelectric polymeric substrates William D Harwell #4,664,344, 5/12/1987, Apparatus and method of capturing an orbiting spacecraft Joseph Hawkins #3,973, 3/26/1845, Gridiron Randall Hawkins #370,943, 10/4/1887, Harness attachment Roland C Hawkins US 7,150,638, 12/19/2006, Cover device and method for electrical connector, Co-inventor Carl Eric Fonville Walter Lincoln Hawkins #2,587,043, 3/26/1952, Preparation of 1,2 , Di-Primary amines#2,889,306, 6/2/1959, Stabilized straight-chain hydrocarbons#3,304,283, 2/14/1967, Stabilized alpha-mono-olefinic polymers Robert Hearns #598,929, 2/15/1898, Sealing attachment for bottles#628,003, 7/4/1899, Detachable car fender William Hearns #1,040,538, 10/08/1912, Device for removing and inserting taps and plugs in water mains Tony W Helm #2,760,358, 8/28/1956, Universal joint Henry Fairfax Henderson Jr #4,111,336, 9/5/1978, Weight loss control system Andre D. Henderson #5,603,078, 2/11/1997, Remote control device with credit card reading and transmission capabilities having multiple IR LEDs, (Co-inventors William H. Fuller, James M. Rotenberry) Henry Aaron Hill #2,988,545, 6/13/1961, Curing furfuryl-alcohol-modified urea formaldehyde condensates#3,141,002, 7/14/1964, Foamable composition comprising a thermoplastic polymer and barium azocarbonate and method of foaming#3,297,611, 1/10/1967, Manufacture of azodicarbonamide G Haines to Harper, Harris to Hill, Hilyer to Hyde I Andrew F Hilyer #435,095, 18/26/1890, Evaporator for hot air registers#438,159, 0/14/1890, Water evaporator attachment for hot air registers Samuel J Hines #1,137,971, 5/4/1915, Life preserver #1,911,278, 5/30/1933, Lawn mower John E Hodge #2,936,308, 5/10/1960, Novel reductones and methods of making them#2,996,449, 8/15/1961, Glucose-amine sequestrants#4,146,650, 3/27/1979, Substituted benzodioxan sweetening compound Elijah H Holmes #549,513 12/12/1895 Gage Lydia M Holmes #2,529,692 12/14/1950 Knockdown wheeled toy Harry C Hopkins #4,704,570 11/3/1987 Power controller June B Horne #4,498,557, 2/12/1985 Emergency escape apparatus and method of using same Darnley E Howard #2,145,116, 1/24/1939, Optical apparatus for indicating the position of a tool Darnley Moseley Howard #3,451,127, 6/24/1969, Method of making radome with an integral antenna Isaiah D Hughes #687,312, 11/26/1901, Combined excavator and elevator Wilson E Hull #3,286,064, 11/15/1966, Mass release mechanism for satellites#3,424,403, 1/28/1969, Sublimination timing switch John W Hunter #570,553, 11/03/1896, Portable weighing scale James E Huntley #3,880,255, 4/29/1975, Emergency fire escape mechanism Robert N Hyde #392,205, 11/6/1888, Composition for cleaning and preserving carpets Continue black history database I

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Professional Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Professional Ethics - Essay Example This blackmailing continued for months till a young girl in Canada reported the matter to the police. This report resulted in his arrest and subsequent sentencing. Internet has become an important part of our daily lives. Adolescents are increasingly depending on computers for various tasks including games, chatting and school assignments. This increased use of the Internet puts them at greater risk of befriending pedophiles and hackers. Any contact with such a person can cause emotional trauma and girls may even encounter serious physical danger since many pedophiles pose as younger people looking for friends. With increased use of computers, Internet has become a haven of online pedophiles: "the very same offenders that once combed the playgrounds seeking victims now lurk into cyberspace" [Kopelev, 1999]. These pedophiles are causing serious injuries to others especially younger people since they are more vulnerable. It is important ethical use of Internet is promoted and increased use is regulated. With more people gaining access to cyberspace, it is important that online activities are carefully monitored and regulated with the help of strict anti-hacking laws and computer misuse laws. Governments must understand that these laws should be regularly updated and improved because older or dated laws may not cover advanced misuse such as DoS attacks and illegitimate access. Exploitation of adolescents is easier since they have their own set of problems and families may not always be available to hear them out. In such cases, they resort to their friends online and since pedophiles have ample time, they "are often willing to devote considerable amounts of time, money and energy in this process. They listen to and empathize with the problems of children. They will be aware of the latest music, hobbies, and interests of children" [FBI]. Thus adolescents and children become an easier target for pedophiles who can then misuse the information gathered and can cause serious emotional and even physical danger to their hapless victims. Ethical Discussion: The major ethical issue in this case is unethical access to computers with the aim of blackmailing young girls into submission. We understand that illegitimate access to any computer is simply unethical and unlawful. If a person uses a tool to gain access, the person is committing a serious offence, which is covered by the modified Computer Misuse Act of Britain. The law clearly states that a person would be found guilty of a serious offence "if he supplies or offers to supply any article believing that it is likely to be used to commit, or to assist in the commission of, [a hacking offence]". Here the word article refers to "any program or data held in electronic form". [] When a person gains access to a computer and then uses it for illicit purposes, it only adds to the gravity of the offence. The Computer Misuse Act of 1990 makes it clear that a person would be charged with a criminal offence if he gains unauthorized access to data knowing that such access is unlawful. The law is current being reviewed to extend its scope. However it is commonly believed that CMA is effective enough to secure an arrest and prison term for someone like Ringland. Apart from legal issues involved,

Friday, October 18, 2019

E-Commerce laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

E-Commerce laws - Essay Example The proper functioning of the Internal Market in electronic commerce is ensured by the Internal Market clause, which means that information society services are, in principle, subject to the law of the Member State in which the service provider is established. In turn, the Member State in which the information society service is received cannot restrict incoming services. Examples of services covered by the Directive include online information services (such as online newspapers), online selling of products and services (books, financial services and travel services), online advertising, professional services (lawyers, doctors, estate agents), entertainment services and basic intermediary services (access to the Internet and transmission and hosting of information). These services include also services provided free of charge to the recipient and funded, for example, by advertising or sponsorship. (Electronic commerce) The European Union is maintaining momentum in its efforts to regulate the Internet and electronic commerce, especially with respect to conflicts of law in cyberspace. A directive establishing a common legal framework for electronic commerce within the European Union1 E-commerce Directive) was adopted in early summer 2000, enshrining the "country of origin" principle in the on-line environment. Effectively, this principle means that an on-line retailer established in one of the European Union member states is allowed to offer e-commerce services on-line throughout the European Union as long as it meets the legal requirements of its country of domicile. However, the legal certainty established by the E-commerce Directive is already under threat. The European Commission intends to revive an idea from 1967 regarding the creation of a Council Regulation2often called Rome II Regulation. Another closely related instrument is the regulation on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (the Brussels

ADD in Adult Hispanic Women Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

ADD in Adult Hispanic Women - Research Proposal Example are verified sufferers of ADD and ADHD. IT has been learnt that less than 25percent of the American population undergo this epidemics without any treatment or diagnosis.CONCLUSIONS: The data of last twenty five years suggest that the percentage of the diagnosed patients with ADD and ADHD has increased significantly, and it is suspected that this rising trend will continue in coming years. Hispanic population within United States is either socially deprived, illiterate or trapped under immigration laws, therefore the proportion of the exact Hispanics within U.S. suffering from ADD and ADHD shall never be precisely estimated.Recent study was conducted by UnitedHealth Group's Evercare organization and the National Alliance for Caregiving, the intent of this research was to analysis the impact of AHAD and ADD among female Hispanics. During research it was identified that more than 36percent of the Hispanic women population looked after an older loved one, this percentage is greater than the average percentage of all U.S which stands at 21 percent. As per Evercare Study of Hispanic Caregiving, "largest comprehensive look at Hispanic caregivers, also revealed that caregiving caused a major change to the working situation of Hispanics, which could have dramatic personal implications as the current fiscal crisis continues to unfold in the United States". The emotional and physical count of caregiving is suspected to influence the local and national economies, which is evident as "more than eight million Hispanics provide care to older loved ones nationwide". During research it was concluded that the availability of "additional resources and tools-in Spanish-are necessary to help them care for their loved ones" (Frances, 1999). As per study, more than 70percent of the female Hispanic caregivers belief that "important that caregiving information be provided in Spanish", they also sought arrangement of training sessions, these sessions shall assists the female population in learning caregiving skills effectively. Introduction Numerous cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Hispanic adults' females have been discovered, "there is a paucity of controlled pharmacological trials demonstrating the effectiveness of compounds used in treatment, particularly non-stimulants". Recent research was conducted to evaluate the "anti-ADHD efficacy of bupropion in adult patients with DSM-IV ADHD". In this research "double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, parallel, 6-week trial comparing patients receiving sustained-release bupropion to patients receiving placebo" (Frances, 1999) were evaluated. A standardized structured psychiatric instrument was used for the diagnosis of ADHD. The measurement of improvement was conducted through separate assessment of "ADHD, depression, and anxiety symptoms at baseline and on periodic basis". Bupropion has been found as effective drug against ADHDH and ADD. As per the findings of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the influence of the bupropio n as an active anti-agent for ADHD has not been supported by substantial evidence, therefore the impact of bupropion on ADHD is under investigation, however hopes for improvement is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Impact the German state on Europe economy Term Paper

Impact the German state on Europe economy - Term Paper Example   The world has taken a change in trend where countries form economic groups based on the regions in which they belong. The economic blocks in which countries are grouped are strategies through which they get advantage in terms of bargaining for the economic benefits of individual countries. The economic blocks open the trading frontier in these regions. The implication is that these countries when they come as regional blocks open up trading platforms in a bigger scale that they would individually. Germany is historically one of the most prominent countries that ring in the ears of many people. Of notable reference is its involvement in the great world wars that took place in two phases i.e. World War I and World War II. Its political structuring began from these two historic events which were fuelled by technological and other economics adjustments for survival. Fulbrook asserts, â€Å"From the period of the great world was, it has undergone a lot of political and economic reali gnments that place it among the most influential nations in the world today†. German’s place in the economic world has significantly been important. This draws relevance from previous occurrences as well as historical incidences. There are situations which warrant interceptions from economically superior countries. In the recent past, the world has experienced what could be described as tumultuous times. The uncertainty that rocked the zone within which Germany falls was indeed affected. Germany was not much affected by the times and crises that were felt globally. In analyzing the significance of Germany, it is imperative that its military as well as economic involvements on the global scene be brought into perspective. This is what the following discourse delves in. Politically, Germany has come from its dark past where it had been even been split up into two states with completely different economic ideologies in which one state which was the democratic west with capitalist economic ideology. The other state was the communist east with the communist economic system. According to Leininger, â€Å"Later the two factions brought down the Berlin wall and formed one nation with the same economic policies that has seen it rise to the list of the most developed countries in the world† (234). It is this level of economic prosperity that is making it of particular interest in this research paper. Aim of the study This paper focuses on establishing the factors that make Germany to be at the center of focus in establishment, management and performance of the European Union. It therefore targets all the observable economic aspects of this country in respect with its role and extent of influence in the European continent at large and European Union specifically. Significance of this study The current economic challenges are uphill task to many nations and therefore some critical approaches need to taken up by the

Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity for LOreal Assignment

Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity for LOreal - Assignment Example Models like Porter’s Five Forces have been used to match the practical aspects with theoretical ones, along with recommendations on a feasible course of action for the company to embrace success in the future. Â  The environment surrounding a business comprises of both micro and macro forces that shape up the strategy of the business and also test the viability of the developed strategy in real time. For L’Oreal, the market has been a mix of favorable and unfavorable forces where the genius of L’Oreal through its two success recipes- diversification and innovation, changed the tides. Â  The cosmetics industry has been very fragmented yet open to new offerings and product innovations, keeping in mind the needs of varied consumer groups. Demographically, L’Oreal was presented with a host of opportunities to come up with various products with different ethnic and cultural shades. Â  Cosmetics is an industry which is not limited to just creams. It extends way beyond face products and involves hair and skin care and beauty products. A player who was able to operate through these lines of product width was the one who could sustain itself in the booming cosmetic and beauty product market, which was done really well by L’Oreal. Â  The entire industry, as obvious in the case, is in its growth stage with multiple players entering the battleground. L’Oreal had been able to secure its pole position till now because of new product propositions every year to sustain the wave of innovation and tight control over its operational costs. Yet, the following points emerge out of the industry analysis of cosmetics.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Impact the German state on Europe economy Term Paper

Impact the German state on Europe economy - Term Paper Example   The world has taken a change in trend where countries form economic groups based on the regions in which they belong. The economic blocks in which countries are grouped are strategies through which they get advantage in terms of bargaining for the economic benefits of individual countries. The economic blocks open the trading frontier in these regions. The implication is that these countries when they come as regional blocks open up trading platforms in a bigger scale that they would individually. Germany is historically one of the most prominent countries that ring in the ears of many people. Of notable reference is its involvement in the great world wars that took place in two phases i.e. World War I and World War II. Its political structuring began from these two historic events which were fuelled by technological and other economics adjustments for survival. Fulbrook asserts, â€Å"From the period of the great world was, it has undergone a lot of political and economic reali gnments that place it among the most influential nations in the world today†. German’s place in the economic world has significantly been important. This draws relevance from previous occurrences as well as historical incidences. There are situations which warrant interceptions from economically superior countries. In the recent past, the world has experienced what could be described as tumultuous times. The uncertainty that rocked the zone within which Germany falls was indeed affected. Germany was not much affected by the times and crises that were felt globally. In analyzing the significance of Germany, it is imperative that its military as well as economic involvements on the global scene be brought into perspective. This is what the following discourse delves in. Politically, Germany has come from its dark past where it had been even been split up into two states with completely different economic ideologies in which one state which was the democratic west with capitalist economic ideology. The other state was the communist east with the communist economic system. According to Leininger, â€Å"Later the two factions brought down the Berlin wall and formed one nation with the same economic policies that has seen it rise to the list of the most developed countries in the world† (234). It is this level of economic prosperity that is making it of particular interest in this research paper. Aim of the study This paper focuses on establishing the factors that make Germany to be at the center of focus in establishment, management and performance of the European Union. It therefore targets all the observable economic aspects of this country in respect with its role and extent of influence in the European continent at large and European Union specifically. Significance of this study The current economic challenges are uphill task to many nations and therefore some critical approaches need to taken up by the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The aim of the project is to find a Competitive inhibitor which will Essay

The aim of the project is to find a Competitive inhibitor which will inhibit the methylation of Protein phosphate 2A (PP2A) Via LCMT-1 - Essay Example This means that the methylation of PP2A may be an important regulatory mechanism on the condition that the PP2A methylation is tightly regulated. Tamanoi and Clarke (2006, p. 316) further presents that there are two main levels of regulation of the PP2A. This is may be achieved either through demethylating enzyme LCMT1 or PME-1 or the regulation at the C-terminal tail of PP2AC site (Tamanoi and Clarke, 2006, p. 316). Furthermore, they advance that the methylation of PP2A can also be regulated or deregulated by certain diseases(Sheng 2013). Seshacharyulu, Pandey, Datta and Batra (2013, p.9) elaborates that PP2A serves to regulate the function by dephosphorylating numerous important cellular molecules such as the p53 and Akt. The PP2A is significant in critical cellular processes including signal transduction, proliferation and apoptosis. PP2A is structurally multifarious made up of catalytic, support and regulatory subunits. The support and catalytic sub-units of the PP2A comprise of two major isoforms, whereas the regulatory sub-unit has four distinct families of different isoforms. Of these sub-units, the regulatory sub-unit is considered the most diverse in terms of spatial and temporal specificity. The PP2A usually undergoes certain post-translational changes such as methylation and phosphorylation that serve to regulate the enzymatic activity of PP2A. Certain somatic alterations, mutations and aberrant expression of the PP2A support and regulatory sub-units have been common in a variety of malignancies in humans including skin, breast and lung cancers. This demonstrates that the role of PP2A as a tumor suppressor (Seshacharyulu 2013). A group of heterogeneous genes encode the individual subunits of the enzyme. This gives rise to a multitude of various PP2A holoenzyme complexes (Schà ¶nthal 2013, p.2). Some of the observations that PP2A puts certain stimulatory and

Monday, October 14, 2019

Moral Teachings of the Catholic Church Essay Example for Free

Moral Teachings of the Catholic Church Essay Introduction: Catholics believes that acting morally means acting in accordance with the eternal laws of God, which are written into the human hearts so deeply that even those who know nothing of God can follow the path of morality. According to Cynthia Stewart, Nature law, as this interior marking is called, comes to humans through their capacity to reason, which sparks the conscience to respond to the eternal law. This means that people of other religions or the non religious all have the capacity to act as morally as catholic Christians, it is believes that they will struggle more since they will not have the benefit of the sacraments that opens them to grace to resist sin. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) regarded sin as a word, deed or desire contrary to the eternal law. The church classified sin into two parts, they are: mortal and venial sin. Catholic moral theology divides sin into two parts, primarily on the basis of degree and effect: What is mortal sin? According to :  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Mortal sin is a radical possibility of human freedom, as is love itself. It results in the loss of charity and the private of sanctifying grace, that is, of the state of grace. If it is not redeemed by repentance of Gods forgiveness, it causes exclusion to make choices for ever, with no turning back. However, although we can judge that an act is in itself a serious offense, we must entrust judgment of persons to the justice and mercy of God.† For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must be met: Mortal sin is a sin whose object is a serious matter and which is also committed with full intension awareness and deliberate consent. A serious matter is specified by the Ten Commandments Corresponding to the answer to the rich young man: ⠝â€" Do not kill ⠝â€" Do not commit adultery ⠝â€" Do not steal ⠝â€" Do not bear false witness ⠝â€" Do not defraud ⠝â€" Honor your father and your mother What is venial sin? According to chrome://newtabhttp// Venial (Pardonable) sin Positively, this sin does not directly destroy the relationship with God. Rather, it weakens that relationship. Unremitted venial sins can affect the duration spent in Purgatory. Therefore the church encourages confession of these types of sins as well without being strictly necessary. Confession of everyday faults (venial sins) is nevertheless strongly recommended by the church. Example of venial sin is, selfishness, jealously and anger. Venial sin involves the disobedience of the law of God in slight (venial) matters. If we gossip and destroy a persons reputation it would be a mortal sin. However, normally gossip is about trivial matters and only venially sinful. Additionally, something that is otherwise a mortal sin (e.g. slander) may be in a particular case only a venial sin. The person may have acted without reflection or under force of habit. Thus, not fully intending the action their guilt before God is reduced. It is always good to remember, especially those who are trying to be faithful but sometimes fall, that for mortal sin it must not only be, 1) Serious matter, but 2) The person must know it is serious and then 3) Freely commit it as was said previously. These two categories of sin are explicitly to be found in Sacred Scripture. In the Old Covenant there were sins that merited the death penalty and sins that could be expiated by an offering. This Law was a teacher that prepared the way for the faith (Gal. 3:24). In the New Covenant these material  categories are replaced by spiritual ones, natural death by eternal death. There are thus daily faults for which we must daily ask forgiveness (Mt. 6:12), for even the just man falls seven times a day (Prov. 24:16), and mortal faults that separate the sinner from God (1 Cor. 6:9-10) for all eternity. Indulgence The punishment of sin is also divided into two parts by catholic theology; they are, eternal and temporal. Normally, the eternal punishment for sin can be remitted through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. However, the church maintains that there is still a temporal punishment to be borne, as all sin is an affront to God. This then leads to the idea of Purgatory as a place where unremitted sin can be removed in the afterlife. Temporal punishment can be reduced or removed/ forgiven due to the concept of merit. Merit Doing more then is required by God can earn an individual merit. The most important merit is Christ himself, this is adequate enough to eliminate temporal penalty for all sin. The Merits of Christ and the saints form a treasury of merit. The Catholic Church maintains that it has the authority to dispense merit because of Christ’s promise to peter in Matthew 16:19. Therefore an Indulgence is simply a way of using this extra merit to reduce or remove the temporal penalty of sin. Indulgences may only be given to those who have no unconfessed mortal sins. According to whether the temporal penalty of sin is partially or fully removed, the Indulgence is called Partial or Plenary respectively. Abortion: Abortion is referred to as any death of a baby in the womb and its expulsion form the mother’s body according to today’s issues and Christian beliefs. Since the first century the church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not change and remains unchangeable.  Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the mortal law. It is important to distinguish between direct and indirect abortion: Indirect abortion occurs when treatment given to save the life of the Mother has the secondary effect of causing an abortion. In certain cases, this is considered permissible. The seriousness of the matter is highlighted by the fact that those who participate in or carry out direct abortions face the penalty of automatic excommunication from the church. The catholic theology teachings that human life begins from the moment of conception and as our entire human the unborn child should be see as a child of God as should therefore be protected. Hence the deliberate abortion of a child is a serious in all circumstances for it the killing of an innocent individual. The views of the religious leader of the Catholic Church have always been against as is proven by the following statements. â€Å"Human life is sacred; all men must recognize that fact† Pope Paul VI (Humanae Vitae) â€Å"Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of the conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes† (Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes 51) The bible also gives perspectives on abortion in the following verses: Genesis 1:27 â€Å"God created human beings in his own imagine in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them â€Å"be fruitful and increase†. Luke 12:6 â€Å"Jesus said, â€Å"isn’t five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one sparrow is forgotten by God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. â€Å" Isaiah 49:15-16 â€Å"so the lord answers, ‘can a woman forget her own baby and not love the child she bore? Even if a mother should forget her child, I will never forget you! I have written your name in the palms of my hand. Contraceptives Contraception is â€Å"any actions which, either in anticipation of the conjugal act or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible† according to Humanae vitae 14. This includes sterilization, condoms and other barrier methods, spermicidal, coitus interruptus (withdrawal method), the pill, and all other such methods. The Catholic Church has strongly condemned all artificial methods of Contraceptives. Infact the church regards contraception as mortally sinful. The official position is stated in the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae , issued by Pope Paul VI in 1968. Though the Catholic Church rejects contraception, it does encourage a responsible attitude amongst couples in their spacing of births. It permits what is known as Natural family planning (NFP), which is a method whereby intercourse is avoided on those days when a woman is at the most fertile phase of her menstrual cycle. NFP can be taught by a specialist practitioner and success rates of well over 90% are claimed when the method is correctly followed. The bibles perspective on contraceptive: Genesis 38:8-10 â€Å" then Judah said Er’s brother Onan , â€Å"go and sleep with your brother’s widow, fulfill your obligations to her as her husbands brother, so that your brother may have descendants. But knew the children would not belong to him. So he had intercourse with her, he left his semen spill on the ground so there would be not descendants of his brother, what he did displeased the lord and he killed him also. Homosexuality Homosexuality refers to elations between men or between woman who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex according to chrome://newtabhttp// The Catholic view is that all Homosexual acts are morally and intrinsically wrong and thus the church requires people with Homosexual leanings to remain celibate. It also encourages proper respect as human beings for all Homosexual people, being opposed to any form of discrimination and persecution of Homosexuals. The church distinguishes between Homosexual acts and Homosexual leanings the latter may not be necessarily sinful. In 1986, the church issued its Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, explaining this distinction: Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder. In 2005, the church issued its Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and t o Holy Orders. The policy states that those men with deeply rooted homosexual tendencies cannot be ordained under any circumstances. The rejection of homosexual behavior that is found in the Old Testament is well known. In Genesis19, two angels in disguise visit the city of Sodom and are offered hospitality and shelter by lot. During the night, the men of Sodom demand that lot hand over his guests for homosexual intercourse. Lot refuses, and the angels blind the men of Sodom. Lot and his household escape and the town is destroyed by fire â€Å"because the outcry against its people has become great before the lord.† (Genesis 19:13). The incident is not the only time the Old Testament deals with homosexuality. An explicit condemnation is found in the book of Leviticus: â€Å"you shall not lie with a male as with a  woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them† ( Lev. 18:22:20:13) Summary: To act morally is to follow God’s eternal law which is written deeply in the hearts of every human being despite race or religion. Even thought the ability to act morally is in us as human being we often fall victims to sin. Sin refers to an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law, the church divides sin into two categories, Mortal sin, which is an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace. Examples of mortal sin are: adultery, abortion, murder. Venial sin the other types of sin are referred to as a relatively slight sin that does not entail damnation of soul. Example of venial sin is: selfishness, anger, jealousy. Issues that impact us today are: ⠝â€" Abortion which is refers to as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy or a miscarriage. The Catholic Church has consistently condemned the act of abortion. Catholics views human life as sacred and maintains that it should be protected by every means necessary as was stated by Pope Paul VI (Humanae Vitae). Biblical prove can also be found in Psalm 127:3 â€Å"Truly children are a gift from the lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.† ⠝â€" Contraceptive can be defined as the deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse. The Catholic Church has strongly condemned all artificial methods of contraceptives as regards it as mortally sinful. Biblical proof to support this view can be found in Jeremiah 1:5 â€Å"I chose you before I gave you life, and before you were born I selected you to be a prophet to the nations.† ⠝â€" Homosexuality is the manifestation of sexual desire towards a member of one’s own sex. The Catholic Church encourages proper respect as human beings even homosexuals although Catholics view are that all homosexual acts are intrinsically and morally wrong and encourages people with homosexual feelings to remain celibate. The bible conforms this in Leviticus 18:22 â€Å"thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination† Catholic theology also divides punishment for sins such as  those listed above in to two parts; they are eternal punishment which is sins that can be remitted through the sacrament of reconciliation. And temporal punishment which refers to punishment that can be reduce, removed or forgiven due to the concept of merit. Merit is referred to as doing more then is required by God.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Meeting Criteria for Early Years Foundation Standards

Meeting Criteria for Early Years Foundation Standards Unit 3 Early years foundation standards are guidelines with in which a childcare facility work, members of staff must be checked by â€Å"Disclosure and barring service†, complete a Health declaration, least one member of staff needs a paediatric first aid certificate and should obtain a level 3 childcare qualification before they start caring for children, one member of staff must have suitable experience with under 2s, at least half of all other staff must hold a level 2 qualification in child care. The children’s health and safety is paramount. Child care facilities must work within the correct adult to child ratio, only permitting the correct number of children for the space they have available. Children under 2 1 adult -3 children Children aged 2 1 adult – 4 children Children aged 3+ 1 adult – 8 children Good. Within the facility provisions must be made for the development of every child, no child is excluded, every child must be supported in fulfilling their maximum potential, the early years stages have a long and lasting effect on the child’s future and ability to start school, no child should be left behind. Each child will be assessed so all of their needs can be met on an individual level and they have a personal plan in place so they succeed in all areas. The plan set in place should be available to parents, cares and any outside practitioner such as health visitors if needed. Every child should have equal opportunity, face no discriminatory actions and every child must be included and fully supported in their learning environment. Practitioners must remember every child is unique, they need to forge positive relationships, offer enabling environments, and plan varied activities as each child learns in a different way and at different rate , every child will have a key person, this person is the point of contact with the child’s parent or carer, they are responsible for helping the child be happy and safe, they are responsible for that child’s care, development and learning, they keep clear notes of the child’s progress and help parents with ideas for their child’s progress at home.( There are seven main criteria for the early year’s foundation the three prime areas are: Communication and language Physical development Personal, social and emotional development. Then there are four specific areas: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive art and design. These core guides must be implemented into children’s everyday environment, communication and language: Children need to talk freely to one another and adults alike, roll play encourages children to interact, asking the children to describe things being big or small, talk about family members being male and female, young or old, encourage them to use descriptive language, and help them understand how it relates to them. Physical development: These activities develop the child’s skills set in handling equipment or showing control and co-ordination this is done with games or dance that involve pushing or pulling or outside games that use ball skills such as patting or kicking, throwing and catching, all of these skills help develop the child’s body and hand and eye co-ordination. Personal, social and emotional development: These skills are the ones a child needs to be confident, to talk and play with other children, to talk about themselves and their own environmen t, to talk about who they are. Doing an activity as simple as â€Å"show and tell† would give the child confidence to talk about something they love or something they have done, if you have children from many different cultures talking about their festivals and traditions encourages understanding of others. Literacy: Children love to be read to so try to use a story that is repetitive, giving the children confidence to join in, or ask the children to make up an alternative ending to a favourite story. Giving each child a word card and going round the room and using those words to build a story would help a child understand the context of the word and phonic sounds to build a word. Mathematics: Children enjoy filling and emptying bottles and containers using sand or water, doing so helps to understand, volume and size, building blocks can help them count, how many blocks can you build up before they collapse. Understanding the world: Children need to know where and how they fi t in, looking at traditions and festivals across all cultures encourages an understanding of self, making festival food , or making a garland worn at a wedding ceremony, helps the children understand the importance of different cultures, they also need to understand the natural world so going on a bug hunt, looking at the life cycle of a butterfly or creating a garden full of food for insects, this would help them understand the things they have seen and why there important to us as humans. Expressive art and design: Children like exploring and using many different materials, clay, play dough, card and paper, they can experiment with how to change their shape and form, use glue or tape and colour. Children like to be imaginative model making is a great way to encourage imagination and develop skills, mixing paint in to a variety of colours, so they can see that you only need primary colours to make any colour you wish. Respecting and valuing individuality Children and families must feel respect for who they are regardless of colour, race or sexual orientation, it’s the practitioners’ job to lead by example the children must understand that everybody is different, everybody has strengths and weaknesses, and everybody is valued. Encouraging manners, caring attitude and understanding will help children become well-rounded young adults. Children should be encouraged to celebrate their cultural differences, and to respect others family backgrounds, this needs to be done in a sharing way, having a world day were the children can look at different countries, the animals living there, the food, maybe ask a parent to ready a native story, it would bring to life the differences giving them greater understanding of where they fit in and how we all fit together. It is important for children not only to share their cultural differences but also their personal differences, some children are good at art some are good at swimming, helpi ng them celebrate their achievements helps children see that everybody is good at something but not all good at the same thing. Doing group activities helps the child learn to work as a team, encourage problem solving, help the children listen and negotiate with one another, or take time at lunch to sit together, talk politely, understanding that eating with the right cutlery and washing your hands before you sit down are all normal behaviour. Activity: Outcome: Awards, celebrate the children’s achievements in and out of care setting Reinforce positive self-image Make a class photo album, ask children to bring photos of family celebrations, and explore the different festivals across the cultures. Bring to life the different festivals and celebrations that happen around the world. Encourage understanding of other peoples culture Give children positive role models such as gold medal paralympians, put posters up around the room for the children to admire Let children understand that being disabled is not a negative and great achievements can still be made Include toys and play equipment that reflect other cultures, such as dressing up clothes, kitchen utensils in the play kitchen, puzzles and dolls By playing with these objects the children will become familiar with different cultures Cook food from around the world. Let the children make and taste different foods that they might not have everyday This activity would stimulate them and get them talking about feeling, texture, smell and taste. Cooking activities also help with measuring and science, and help children to understand health and safety and good hygiene. Sing songs and read stories from around the world, include rhymes and action songs Children love to participate; this activity is great for children whose first language is not English. Positive and negative behaviour Positive reinforcement is a technique used by care givers to modify behaviour, this involves giving positive reinforcement as often as possible, and reminding the children that negative behaviour will have consequences as a carer it is best to focus on the positive but if a negative occurs it needs to be dealt with swiftly and an explanation as to why it is negative behaviour, help the child to develop empathy, the child needs to know it is their behaviour you disapprove of not them as a person, if a child is consistently reprimanded for negative behaviour they will quickly become labelled as â€Å"the naughty child†, an action plan must be made for this child so that positive reinforcement can turn the situation around and positive behaviour becomes the norm. At no time should there be: pain, punishment, intimidation, yelling, degradation, humiliation, shame or guilt this would only hurt and confuse the child. Children need a positive environment to develop their self-esteem, emotional growth and well-being. ( Behaviour is not learned once but learned every day. Consistency is the key to dealing with any behavioural situation, children respond to set boundaries and feel safe knowing what is expected of them, let the children know what kind of behaviour you are looking for, with older children they could help set the consequences of their negative behaviour; it would encourage them to be more positive as they have set the rules. As the care giver you need to remain positive at all times it is your professional duty to do so, be a positive care giver, a negative attitude leads to a negative outcome! Consistency is key. Boundaries are needed to establish right from wrong. Children understand the their behaviour has consequences- both positive and negative Reward positive behaviour: give out stickers, or mark with a kind word â€Å"Thank you for being kind and helpful†, â€Å"Your team work was great†. Make the children feel valued and important. Star chart: so the children know that with consistent positive behaviour also comes reward. Praise the child for the effort not just their achievements, praise them for their strengths and remind them everyone is different. If you praise one child use the opportunity to encourage the rest of the group. Managing conflict We all encounter conflict every day, in the childcare environment it’s child to child conflict or child to adult conflict, study’s done at Texas tech uni by Dennis, Colwell and Lindsey show that girls often have child to child conflict that is more often than not resolved within their peer group, whereas boys often have child to adult conflict and that boys look to the adult to resolve the conflict.( As the practitioner it’s you job to manage conflict, like many life lessons children need to be equipped to deal with it, Vygotsky: a Russian social development theorist said â€Å" conflict provides a learning experience for children and in doing so they would learn to function better in the social context†, ( Vygotsky’s theory is not that uncommon amongst child behavioural theorist, his arguments are supported by the likes of Erikson who thought â€Å" life is full of conflict and in order to become a b etter person one must resolve conflict in each stage of life†. Often conflict is cause because of the developmental stage the child is at and they as children have not reached the stage where they have empathy or understanding, or sometimes children act out because it has become their learned behaviour, it is the way they have been treated or something they have seen in their everyday lives due to lack of good role models. As the care giver you need to step back and ask: Why is the child acting this way? What has made the child feel like this? Is it a cry for help? Does he/she need my understanding and empathy towards their feelings? Are the Childs need being met, are they unhappy, scared, confused or frustrated? Are they tired or hungry? Conflict is often born out of a misunderstanding, if identified quickly it can be resolved quickly, children need to feel that their side of the story is heard, as the care giver it is up to you to guide the situation from one of upset and stress on to a calmer and more positive footing, with a peaceful conflict resolution. Bibliography

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Public Grazing on Bureau of Land Management Land :: Agriculture Farming Environment Essays Papers

Public Grazing on Bureau of Land Management Land The Bureau of land Management is an agency of the department of the Interior. It manages 264 million acres in the western lands and over 700 acres of mineral estate nationwide. The purposes of these lands are mineral development, recreation, timber, and grazing. The on that we are going to talk about is grazing on the BLM lands and how they are improving them. In the 1930's, overgrazing was damaging the Western rangelands to a dust bowl. In Wyoming during 1909 the sheep numbers reached six million. Most of these sheep operations were nomadic, with that meant that some of these operations were keeping their sheep on public land all year round. The range land became deteriorated bye this way of grazing. By the 1920's and 1930's the ranchers and the conservationists wanted something to be done before the land got any worse. Congress knew that they had to do something before they lost their country's biggest asset. The Taylor Grazing Act (TGA) of 1934 was passed. What the TGA did was regulated grazing on public lands through using permits. With regulation of public lands they could control numbers of occupancy and uses on the land. It also could preserve the land from destruction, with that it could improve the land and develop it better. In 1964 Public Land Law Review Commission was established to make recommendations on how to manage the lan d. Congress responded to that by passing the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) in 1976, which keeps the lands in Federal ownership. The Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 was another act that improved rangelands. It realized that public rangelands were producing less than their potential. This act helps maintain and improve the conditions of the rangelands so that they become productive and usable to their highest potential again. The Executive Order 12548 of 1986, signed by President Reagan, stated that there would be annual fees for domesticated livestock grazing on public rangelands. Just in Oregon and Washington the federal government will receive over $1.8 million annually for grazing about 250,000 animals on BLM land. The BLM has improved the rangeland in Oregon by one hundred percent. With the Oregon Trail having immigrants and their cattle coming through, it destroyed the land with no grass left to graze. The BLM scattered cattle throughout the land and the grazing has improved, so has the water development.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Research Paper- the Effects of Domestic Violence

A woman wakes up in the middle of the kitchen floor, and as she opens the one eye that isn’t swollen shut, she frantically searches for her minor child with no avail. She calls the police who take her report and then question her about her bruises and black eye. She tells them what happened; they take her report and begin the search for her daughter. When they find her daughter and husband they return them both home because the daughter is â€Å"safe† in their eyes and she has fearfully corroborated her father’s alibi that they haven’t been home all day.The officers leave, satisfied that they have done their jobs, only to discover the next day that the man they returned home safe has now beaten his wife and child unconscious. This situation may not be how every domestic violence situation plays out but it is all too often the case. Domestic violence is a serious problem in America that affects the victims and children involved, but does not seem to have co nsistent enough consequences for the offender, or strong enough protection for the victims. The Effects on the VictimsThe number of domestic violence incidents is at a staggering amount. According to the Domestic Violence Resource Center (2010), one in four women has experienced domestic violence in her lifetime. That is one quarter of the female population. This means that the majority of us probably know someone who has been a victim, whether they have admitted it or not. This could be your mother, sister, aunt or daughter. Whether you can see the physical effects there are other signs that may suggest they are in a violent or abusive situation.Victims involved in this kind of abuse typically withdraw themselves from their friends and family. They don’t participate in activities that they once loved. They may also change the way they groom themselves on a daily basis. For example someone who would typically take pride in her appearance may now dress very casually, wearing à ¢â‚¬Å"sloppy clothing† and wearing hats and sun glasses to â€Å"hide† their face. Domestic violence victims suffer many immediate physical symptoms such as bruising and broken or fractured bones, and though most may think that is the extent of the physical problems, it is not.The BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System) is an annual, state-based, random-digit, dialed telephone survey of noninstitutionalized , US civilian population greater than 18 years of age. In a study conducted by BRFSS the findings in their report linked IPV (Intimate Partner Violence) with poor general health, chronic disease, disability, somatic syndromes, injury, chronic pain, STD, functional gastrointestinal disorders, and changes in endocrine and immune functions (Shannon, 2009).Symptoms like these can cause problems with the victims for many years to come, and in some cases, the victim’s entire life. Some of the physical effects are irreversible. Women are abused every day, and the below picture is an example of only a portion of the pain caused to the victim. This abuse affects many aspects of their lives other than aesthetics. [pic] In addition to the horrifying physical effects of domestic violence, the victims are subject to many psychological effects as well. Some of the abusers involved don’t start out hitting their partner.The abuse begins sometimes, long before the hitting. Sometimes it could start off with something as seemingly insignificant as the abuser saying â€Å"I don’t think you need that much make-up†. This may be an innocent enough comment in the right moment that the woman believes her partner is giving her a compliment and so she complies. The problem is now, her partner has realized how to approach her in a deceiving way to slowly gain control of her. After that control has been established, those once â€Å"flattering suggestions† have now become expected demands to the victim.In most cases by the time the victim has realized she does not want to comply with these demands, her abuser has already started demanding her compliance by hitting her. Now she does not know how to escape from her abuser. According to Encyclopedia Britannica for some victims the unrelenting cycle of violence produces diminished self-esteem, helplessness, depression, and exaggerated feelings of imprisonment, even the belief that they deserve the abuse. Once the victim has reached this phase of the relationship it becomes almost impossible for her to escape.She is under the impression that if she leaves, her abuser will find her and hurt her even worse, and possibly even kill her. She may also believe that there is no point in leaving because her abuser has made her believe that he is the only one who could ever love her, and that nobody else could ever want her. This fear of total loneliness if she was to leave can be enough to make her stay. At this point the self-esteem is so low that she needs what small portion of distorted attention she does get from her abuser. The Effects on ChildrenWhile a woman is dealing with this amount of abuse from her abuser, if she is a mother, she may not realize the consequences her child is suffering. While she may feel she is protecting her child from this violence by sending them to their room prior to an argument, many children report witnessing the violence anyway. According to the Domestic Violence Resource Center studies suggest that 3. 3-10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually. Witnessing this violence can have a lasting effect on children.These effects may include behavioral problems such as aggression, phobias, insomnia, low self-esteem, and depression (Myers, 2006). The aggression that can occur from seeing violence like this can spill over into a child’s own social life. It can affect friendships and cause many problems in school. Being forced to deal with these feelings alone could obviously adversely af fect a child’s learning experience at school and make it nearly impossible to develop and maintain healthy relationships with their peers. These are the effects from just witnessing violence between their parents.This doesn’t include what can happen if a child is caught in the crossfire. There are a terrifying amount of children who are also subject to the physical abuse themselves. So, in addition to seeing the one person who tried to protect them get abused, they are now bearing the brunt of some of these attacks. According to the Domestic Violence Resource Center (2010) In a national survey of American families, 50% of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently abused their children. [pic] This puts a whole new perspective on things for the mothers now.The mothers who have been trying to protect their children from seeing the violence have left their children vulnerable to being abused also. This is a serious and vicious cycle that has to be broken . Children who view this kind of violence and are subject to it themselves will most likely be abusers in their adult life. So what is to be done? Where do these desperate victims and their helpless children turn in these terrifying moments? The Role of Police The victims, of course, have the option of calling the police. However, many women fear calling the police for a variety of reasons.According to Doak (2007) when forty one women were interviewed to find out what kept them from calling the police the factors cited included the idea that they must have physical proof that battering had occurred, the desire to avoid a humiliating physical examination in the case of rape or sexual abuse, cultural attitudes about domestic violence, poor self-esteem, being physically prevented from calling the police by the batterer, poor police response when battering was previously reported, and fears of possible retaliation by the batterer or removal of children from the home by protective servic es.This is a heavy burden to bear for a woman who is already in an extremely volatile situation, doing everything in her power to protect herself and her child. When her last resort is calling the police because she does not know where to go or how to even get out, she needs to know that she can depend on them to â€Å"protect and serve† she and her child and send a strong message to their batterer.When the victim gets the courage and opportunity to finally call the police in an effort to save herself and child the police need to be diligent in helping the victims find resources to get away from the home and away from the abuser at least long enough until the abuser is required to go to court. There is no guarantee that the punishment will be significant enough to make the victim’s home safe for her again, but until that is determined, she and possibly her child will need a safe place to go.Consequences for the Abuser The consequences are not consistent enough for the abuser which makes it difficult for the current victims to feel safe, and it means that in the future another victim could potentially suffer at the hands of this person. Many courts are now using batterer intervention programs instead of incarceration for the offenders. The effectiveness of this does not seem to be very notable. According to the National Institute of Justice two valuations of programs in Broward County, Florida, and Brooklyn, New York, based on rigorous experimental designs, claim that batter treatment programs have little or no effect. If this is the case, then how are the victims supposed to feel safe in their own home? Their abuser gets arrested and sentenced to a batterer treatment program, only for him to leave with the same attitude as he went in with. That is if he even completes the class. Then he is most likely angrier because he had to go through it in the first place; therefore leaves him more likely to recidivate.These batterers need to be supervised mo re thoroughly while they are enrolled in such programs to ensure their rehabilitation, should this be the course of action the courts decide to take in a particular case. Instead it seems that the people in charge of ensuring victim’s safety are merely handing out â€Å"slaps on the wrist†. Recent history has shown that this is not an effective method of repercussion for the offenders, nor does it provide any solace for the victims. There are so many factors in a situation of Domestic Violence.From the start of the relationship where the abuser begins manipulating the victim to obtain control of her, through each step from verbal to ultimately physical abuse. The abusers make their victims feel like they are signing their own death certificate if they try to leave. This is enough to leave any victim afraid to ask for help. Domestic violence has such an impact on so many lives. Outside family members often are unaware of the violence. Also, in staggering amounts of case s, inside family members such as children are all too aware.These abusers are so vicious that they have poisoned their victims with fear. In their minds, the threat of their attackers supersedes any protection law enforcement may offer because in reality all they have is a piece of paper between the two of them. This is a behavior that could gradually be changed if our justice system would remain firm and consistent with the offenders. This would show the victims that they do have a choice. They would know that they could break free from these unstable, unrelenting predators and start their lives over.Nobody in this world deserves to feel dehumanized by anyone nor should any one person ever feel like they have that amount of control over another life. It is imperative to get this message through to all abusers and their victims so this cycle of abuse can cease once and for all.ReferencesDoak, M. J. (2007). Information Plus Reference Series. Detroit, MI: Thompson Gale. Domestic Viole nce (2010). In  Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved October 09, 2010, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online:   http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/168589/domestic-violenceDomestic Violence Resource Center. 2010). Domestic Violence Resource Center. Retrieved from http://www. dvrc-or. org/domestic/violence/resources/C61/#domestic-violence Myers, John E. B.. (2006). Child Protection in America: Past, Present, and Future. Oxford University Press USA. Retrieved 9 October 2010, from Shannon, J. B. (2009).Domestic Violence Sourcebook  (3rd ed. ). Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics. US Dept of Justice. (2003). NIJ Special Report. Retrieved from http://www. ncjrs. gov/pdffiles1/nij/195079. pdf